Dirty Harry’s Balcony (and a bit more)

We want something fairly easy and close this time, so we headed up I-90 to Dirty Harry’s Balcony. No, it wasn’t named after the cop in the movies. Apparently, there was a logger who, um, didn’t like to wash.

To get to the trailhead, you have to park outside the Fire fighter school’s gate and walk about a half mile to the trail. Most of the trail is in the forest, so you don’t really get any views until you get to the balcony. Consequently, most of my pictures are plants. There’s a decent view from the balcony, but we wanted some more exercise and continued up the trail. We finally turned back after we’d walked three or four miles one-way.

After we got back to the car, I decided to drive up a Forest Service road that I went snow wheeling on last December. It is a lot easier to drive up a gravel road when it doesn’t have two feet of snow on it. Fancy that! 🙂

As usual, click on a picture to enlarge it.

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